Thrive Leads Review – Case Study Will This List Building Plugin Work For You?

Thrive Leads Review

To start off this Thrive Leads review, I’d like to give you a bit of a background story so you can understand why I am doing a review of this Thrive Leads opt-in plugin. If you’ve noticed the picture and asked yourself, “Are those profits really connected to Thrive Leads?”, the answer is yes, ABSOLUTELY (I’ll explain how later in the review). I don’t want you to be hasty because there are pro’s, con’s, and plenty of lessons you need to understand. I have been doing internet marketing for about 12 years. During this time, I have witnessed how far along web site development has come in terms of ease of design and CSS in general. This caused an influx of so-called “marketers” who have been using plugins, such as Thrive Leads, but really don’t know what they are doing. I was one of those marketers and I’ll explain…..

Review of Thrive LeadsAs I transitioned more into where the real money is in the concept of the “Psychology of the Internet“, this includes but is not limited to, understanding the importance of conversions and building hyper-targeted list. That’s right, targeting and Hyper Targeting are totally different! My web game as I like to say completely went to the next level just by putting my central focus on traffic and conversions. However, even before A/B testing, one of the biggest problems I faced was creating effective opt-in forms. This is a key foundation needed to start building targeted lists and making more money online. I, of course, tried different plugins and methods, however, none was effective in the ways I needed. This is when my mentor introduced me to my first effective opt-in solution; A WordPress plugin that was the predecessor to Thrive Leads called Hybrid Connect. (You thought I was going to say Thrive Leads didn’t you?)

Transition from Hybrid Connect to Thrive Leads

The sole reason I bought Thrive Leads was because of how awesome Hybrid Connect was. I know many of you heard of LeadPages, OptimizePress, OptinSkin, and OptinMonster however, they all had their limits for my purposes. I mean who in their right mind wants to keep paying 50 bucks a month just to build opt-ins and squeeze pages with LeadPages. Also, LeadPages didn’t and still doesn’t allow you to connect to multiple accounts from the same provider. The best solution was Thrive Leads predecessor because it allowed me to use the AVADA WordPress theme (which is hands down the best theme) and do a lot of what the other solutions can do. Hybrid Connect was discontinued and replaced by Thrive Leads, of course, I bought it and I quickly realized how it took things to even another level. Here’s Why….

>> Click Here to Try Thrive Leads <<

What Exactly is Thrive Leads?

Thrive Leads is a pretty awesome WordPress plugin that is truly focused on email conversions. Novice marketers typically operate by sending traffic to websites that have forms and popups everywhere but that is definitely not the answer. The fact that Thrive Leads is focused on the psychology of conversions, colors, and fonts, makes all the difference. With that as a premise, this allows YOU to create and manage a wide array of effective opt-in forms, keep track of your email list building, split test, and much more. Thrive Leads AB TestingThe creators update the plugin constantly and have added additional features like smart links (more on that below) that truly changes the game. Heck with Thrive Leads adding these features it helped me bring more value to my targeted list because it gave me more ideas that I should have been doing already.

What do you get for your money?

First and foremost you get access to the WordPress plugin, 100’s of predesigned templates, tutorials, and a knowledge base that serves as a good fundamental learning tool for internet marketing. Even an experienced marketer like myself picked up a few tricks just from understanding the intent of some of the features. You get to do a great job of targeting opt-in forms for specific posts, pages, categories, etc which helps automate your work process. A cool and useful on the fly feature is the A/B testing of different form types and automatically selecting winners. The forms are mobile responsive and do an okay job of loading quickly. Thrive Leads does allow you to animate forms which do draw attention to the form, equating to more conversions.

The multi-step form (which could serve as a survey opt-in) is a great feature that is very effective. Their templates for multi-step forms could be better but it was easy to design it like some of my favorite high converting LeadPages templates. However, Thrive Leads does have an amazing library of pre-built templates for the 7 different opt-in types. It does have an API and HTML connection to all major email providers. As a side note, if you use MailChimp don’t use the API connection since MailChimp doesn’t allow autoresponders from their API. From my point of view, the biggest difference between Thrive Leads and other similar solutions is in its focus on performance. Other solutions you are probably looking up, provides a specific function or functionality like adding a popup to your site. In Thrive Leads, functionality serves as just a basis. In my opinion, it puts its central focus on conversion optimation which is where it needs to be.

So I didn’t cut you short, here is a list of everything the plugin does for one flat price (the ones I find useful are in BOLD):Lightbox (Popup) Forms
Slide-In Forms
Exit Intent Trigger
SmartExit Feature
Ribbon Forms
Widget Area Forms
Post Footer Forms
Auto In-Content Forms
2-Step Opt-In
Screen-Filler FormsScroll Mat Forms
Fully Mobile Responsive
Basic Targeting
Advanced Targeting
A/B Test Designs
A/B Test Triggers
A/B Test Form Types
A/B Test Offers
Automatic A/B Test Winner
Unlimited Campaigns
Intuitive Visual Editor100% Editable Design
Detailed Stats
Lead Source Report
Content Marketing Report
Multiple Fields, Checkboxes
Multiple Choice Forms
Mini-Quiz Forms
Alternate Content for Subscribers
SmartLinks Feature
Advanced Animations


Who is this Thrive Leads Review for?

There are three main groups of users who NEED a lead generation solution like Thrive Leads. First would be if you offer items on your website that you sell or that you have an affiliate relationship for. Second would be if your online strategy relies on obtaining traffic for like ad placements. Third would be for people who just want to make money online. Let me give you some free advice…. it is key to SECURE YOUR AUDIENCE BEFORE YOU LAUNCH or promote anything. The key is instead of launching/promoting a site and praying people will come, you launch only when you are sure that 5k-30,000+ people will be exposed to your site on launch day? The great e-commerce myth is that having products, a beautiful website design, and sensational photography is all that is needed to get customers to pull out their credit card and buy. Now, to a certain extent, this could be true IF you’re launching your site to an audience that interested in what you’re doing in the first place. However, the majority of websites aren’t launching to the right people if anyone at all. Having a good list building strategy in place will probably be the most important and most profitable thing you do on your website.

Who is Thrive Themes and why should you trust them?

Shane-Melaugh-review-thrive-leadsThrive Themes is a company founded by Shane Melaugh who, by way of his personal website (, states that he is a 7 figure earner in internet marketing. I don’t personally know Shane but just from watching the knowledge videos I can tell he really does know his stuff. I personally do over half a million in internet marketing and just from his knowledge alone, I would bet my money that he does over what he says he does. You can really tell he is very passionate about Thrive Themes. I needed one question answered by their support team and it was fully answered even with multiple replies within 2 hours. One of the biggest things I look for when it comes to the software I choose is support. No software will be 100% tailored to what you envision, so having an awesome support makes that possible. Just looking at their forum to date, it has over 185,000 posts. This signifies a dedication and commitment to their product. One of the biggest reasons WordPress themes suck is due to lack of support. I’ve been around the internet block for quite some time, and this is the main reason why the AVADA WordPress theme is leaps and bounds number 1.

The Pros

  • Satisfaction-guarantee-badgeFirst, it has a 30-day money back guarantee. This means that it cost you nothing to give it a try and see if you like it.
  • NO MONTHLY fee. Most opt-in solutions available have a monthly fee associated with it. This includes LeadPages, OptinMonster etc. With Thrive Leads, you pay a one-time fee and you get unlimited opt-ins. Since you would be a fool to not buy the unlimited sites for $97 dollars, this also includes unlimited sites FOR LIFE!
  • Easy A/B testing with automatic winners. Once you finish an opt-in, you easily clone it and change small things links headlines, colors, and even opt-in types to test against. You can have it automatically choose a winner so you don’t have to worry about looking at the data.
  • You can actually build a site with it’s visual editor. In many of my sites, I choose to use the Thrive Leads content builder instead of my Avada themes content builder.

The Cons

  • You won’t be able to just figure it out by playing around with the plugin. You will have to watch the 2-3 minutes tutorials. After the latest Thrive Leads update, they did include the videos right inside the backend so you don’t have to go search the knowledge base. The good thing is that it isn’t difficult, you just have to learn how to use the plugin.
  • You can’t officially build a full page squeeze page. However, you can do it in the form of a screen filler popup that appears instantly. The only problem with that is that you will see an “X” in the corner. What I did was set it on a blank page. It works perfectly and the designs are awesome.
  • Although it does integrate with Google reCaptcha, You can’t reposition a google captcha in the current version the way that I would like it.

The Bottom Line

I don’t want to make a decision for you but let me just be clear, Thrive Leads is the choice I would  go with. Think about it, why would you pay a monthly fee and you can do everything the other solutions can do. I’m very impressed with how well the Authors of the plugin keep it up to date, the awesome tutorials and knowledge base, and how helpful the support is. The plugin will pay itself off anyway which means it’s worth its weight in gold. Do yourself a favor by taking action and click the link below…….CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT>>thrive-leads-conversions2 thrive-leads-conversions thrive-leads-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