Sell the Result NOT the Product

As these examples of features versus benefits show, nobody wants to buy spinach… people want strength, vitality and Olive Oyl. Shopify

Features versus benefits may indeed be Marketing 101, but a quick glance at the sales pitches of many online businesses makes me question whether anybody took that particular marketing nugget on board through the self-imposed hangover of their college years.

If you find the whole thing a strain on the old brain cells, you’re in good company. There probably isn’t a business owner in the world who hasn’t grappled with the features versus benefits quandary at one point or another. Yes, we all know we need to emphasize the benefits instead of boasting about the features, but very few of those “brilliant” marketing gurus who wax lyrical about the secret formula for getting customers to part with their cash actually give us solid examples we can get our heads around.

Let’s cut to the chase. When it comes to peddling your wares, there’s one main thing you need to know:

Customers don’t care about what your product can do… they care about what it can do FOR THEM. 

And that’s pretty much it.

The real skill is identifying what taps into your customer’s emotions to get them beating down your door, credit card in hand.

So, instead of talking about features versus benefits, without the merest mention of Theodore Roosevelt (apart from that one), I’m going to show you some great sales lines in action.

With 101 examples of features versus benefits, there’s bound to be something in this handy line up that will work in your niche. There’s probably even one or two you can swipe for your own website copy.

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